If you've never worked with a mortgage broker, it is a real revelation. Your bank is going to string you along and do what's best for the bank. The companies that advertise on TV are gigantic bureaucracies and have to make up the cost of that advertising. They hire inexperienced people who are apt to foul things up. It's hard to reach them to ask questions, and they make you feel like you are imposing on them. They can take what seems like forever to close, because you're just one tiny bit in an enormous pile of work for them, and what do they care? On the other hand, working with Island Coast, you get expert help and exactly the loan you need at the lowest cost, and it's all done very efficiently and effortlessly. They have the years of experience to navigate a complex system without making any mistakes, and are very patient at explaining the process and answering questions -- actual people you can talk to in person, on the phone, or via email. For our refinance, we closed in less than 30 days, and that was with two end-of-year holidays in the middle of the process, causing the appraisal to take two weeks. You can't get this kind of high-quality personal service anyplace else. Not only did we save money, we eliminated all of the stress typically involved in this process.